On FNS, Liasson and Kristol skew CBO cap-and-trade estimate as "$175 per person," but it's per household Article 06/28/09 5:11 PM EDT
Buchanan: “more and more science” says climate change “a hoax,” “scam” designed to “transfer wealth and power” to “world government” Video & Audio 06/27/09 1:04 PM EDT
Fox Nation on cap-and-trade bill: “Treason? House passes direct assault on industrial base of America” Article 06/26/09 8:06 PM EDT
Following climate change distortions, Will uses widely disputed study to target green jobs Article 06/26/09 6:12 PM EDT
As Beck slices watermelon, AFP's Kerpen declares cap-and-trade bill “green on the outside, and inside it's deep, communist red” Video & Audio 06/26/09 5:55 PM EDT
After “outraged” Limbaugh caller says Rep. Goodlatte (R) had “no position” on cap-and-trade, Goodlatte office calls to confirm he opposes it Video & Audio 06/26/09 4:08 PM EDT
Kilmeade's suggestion that cap-and-trade bill could “double the unemployment numbers” contradicted by CBO Article 06/26/09 2:22 PM EDT
Beck's rant on “some” cap and trade supporters: “dumbest people” to walk Earth, “greedy,” “wicked,” “treasonous” Video & Audio 06/26/09 2:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Waxman-Markey should be called “Madoff-Waxman-Markey” because “this bill is a con game” Video & Audio 06/26/09 2:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Energy bill establishes that “we are ... destructive polluters who have to be punished” for exhaling CO2 Video & Audio 06/26/09 1:40 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh On Cap And Trade: “This Is So Unnecessary. There Isn't Any Global Warming” Article 06/26/09 1:02 PM EDT
In same sentence, Hannity cites CBO numbers on health care, while ignoring CBO numbers on cap and trade Article 06/26/09 7:42 AM EDT
Beck agrees with Rep. Bachmann that on cap-and-trade, “You're either for freedom or you're not” Video & Audio 06/25/09 6:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh says enviros have “pony-tailed fathers” and “hair-in-the-armpit mothers” Video & Audio 06/25/09 3:23 PM EDT