According to Sawyer, Bush administration turned down ABC town hall Video & Audio 06/24/09 2:00 PM EDT
Media reported conservatives' high cap-and-trade cost estimates, but not lower CBO number Article 06/23/09 3:52 PM EDT
Hour 1: Discussing Iran, Fill-in Steyn Calls Obama A “Gutless Pansy” And “Stability Fetishist” Article 06/22/09 1:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Davis: Cash for Clunkers “helps your shiftless cousin buy more meth,” lets you buy “carton of Luckys” Video & Audio 06/19/09 6:31 PM EDT
Liddy on carbon offsets: “You go to Africa and you sign poor little black people who cook their food on an open fire and you pay them not to cook their food” Video & Audio 06/18/09 3:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims that “global warming is a lie; global cooling is in full swing” Video & Audio 06/15/09 2:52 PM EDT
Media Matters: Right-wing media and the fringe: A growing history of violence (and denial) Article 06/12/09 9:32 PM EDT
Savage: Obama “attacking Israel, attacking Jews and breeding a climate of hate against Jews” Video & Audio 06/12/09 2:29 PM EDT
Schultz highlights column, “Obama Breeds Climate of Hate Against Jews” Video & Audio 06/11/09 6:54 PM EDT
Conservatives link Obama's purported “class warfare,” positioning “America against the Jewish state” to Holocaust Museum shooting Article 06/11/09 12:21 PM EDT publishes column, “Obama Breeds Climate of Hate Against Jews,” linking Obama to Holocaust Museum shooting Article 06/11/09 7:15 AM EDT
WSJ column's falsehood: Bush admin did not make claims about jobs “saved or created” Article 06/09/09 2:05 PM EDT