Outdoing Biden, Fox News will now require daily COVID-19 testing for its unvaccinated employees Article 09/14/21 4:55 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham: The Biden administration is providing aid for Afghan refugees because “they actually prefer noncitizens to citizens for a variety of reasons” Video & Audio 09/13/21 11:23 PM EDT
Fox contributor Mike Huckabee blames vaccine hesitancy on Joe Biden “boring us to death with a bunch of stuff where he says ‘follow the science'” Video & Audio 09/13/21 10:28 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson uses Nicki Minaj's tweet about her cousin's friends swollen testicles to raise doubt about effectiveness of vaccine Video & Audio 09/13/21 10:06 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says the COVID-19 vaccine is a “mixed picture” between benefits and deadly side effects Video & Audio 09/13/21 8:35 PM EDT
Fox's Rachel Campos-Duffy says going to church in secret last year “was very Chinese. It was something you would expect in the Middle East” Video & Audio 09/13/21 8:06 PM EDT
Desperate for election fraud claims in California recall, Fox News grasps at misleading story of “300 ballots” Article 09/13/21 4:00 PM EDT
Cotton leads 2024 Fox primary -- but DeSantis is the candidate the hosts can all agree on Article 09/13/21 2:16 PM EDT
Fox News helps Trump blame Biden and Harris for vaccine refusals — rather than blaming Fox News Article 09/13/21 1:10 PM EDT
Rachel Campos-Duffy: "this is the beginning of that system where if you don't agree with the party in power, you will be punished." Video & Audio 09/13/21 9:45 AM EDT
Sean Hannity warns “you will be canceled” and the government will target “your loved ones” if you don’t get vaccinated Video & Audio 09/10/21 9:41 PM EDT
Fox's Will Cain compares vaccine requirements to board a plane to Black Americans not being allowed interstate travel Video & Audio 09/10/21 7:43 PM EDT
Fox host: “Joe Biden declared war on freedom yesterday and took authoritarianism to a whole new level” with vaccine and testing requirements Video & Audio 09/10/21 7:29 PM EDT
Fox host Mark Levin says vaccine and testing requirements will “advance the cause of the iron fist” Video & Audio 09/10/21 6:27 PM EDT
Fox's Jesse Watters compares vaccine and testing requirements to forced sterilization of disabled women Video & Audio 09/10/21 6:15 PM EDT
Fox Business celebrates federal pandemic unemployment benefits being cut off for millions of Americans Article 09/10/21 4:35 PM EDT