Limbaugh on Earth Day: “I personally am going to see to it that we lose 2 acres of rain forest” Video & Audio 04/22/09 1:15 PM EDT
Beck giddy over caller hunting and cutting down trees on Earth Day: “This is like nirvana here ... This is eroticism” Video & Audio 04/22/09 11:38 AM EDT
Beck: “Whether it's torture,” Miss California, or “global warming, we need to protect the right to speak one's mind freely. Is this America or Soviet Russia?” Video & Audio 04/21/09 6:20 PM EDT
Beck implores people to “stop with the lies” that carbon dioxide is a “poison” Video & Audio 04/21/09 1:18 PM EDT
Fox's Angle did not disclose that “analyst” Holmstead is an energy lobbyist Article 04/21/09 12:58 PM EDT
Beck “wants to hear from” people who “cut some trees down tomorrow to celebrate Earth Day” Video & Audio 04/21/09 12:04 PM EDT
Contradicting other reporting, Bennett claimed intel chief opposed torture memos release Article 04/19/09 6:06 PM EDT
History Channel notes media appearances of skeptics of human-caused climate change previously highlighted by Media Matters Video & Audio 04/19/09 5:19 PM EDT
Fox promotion of tea parties follows years of attacking progressive demonstrators Article 04/17/09 11:03 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “24 inches of snow in Denver tonight and tomorrow ... thank you global warming” Video & Audio 04/17/09 1:31 PM EDT
Fox News personalities continue to ignore Bush administration role to slam Obama DHS Article 04/17/09 8:35 AM EDT
Frum: "[T]o listen to Fox News and other conservative media, you'd think we were living in Czechoslovakia in the final hours before the 1948 communist coup" Article 04/16/09 4:35 PM EDT
Conservative media freak-out: claim Obama DHS targeting conservatives in report on right-wing extremists Article 04/15/09 12:09 PM EDT
Scarborough ignores Bush FBI report to claim Obama administration stoking fear Article 04/15/09 9:01 AM EDT