Fox News Primetime suggests China purposely leaked COVID-19 as part of its “master plan” Video & Audio 06/22/21 8:02 PM EDT
Fox News’ Mark Levin calls for the elimination of the Democratic Party Video & Audio 06/22/21 6:51 PM EDT
No Left Turn in Education, a leading anti-critical race theory group, frequently pushes toxic rhetoric in media Article 06/22/21 11:08 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson has full control over Fox and its stranglehold on the Republican Party Article 06/18/21 8:00 AM EDT
Right-wing “critical race theory” attacks are supercharging a racist movement to undo decades of civil rights advancement Article 06/17/21 4:34 PM EDT
After the Supreme Court upheld the ACA, Karl Rove urges Republicans to “start talking about” proposals that already failed politically Article 06/17/21 1:26 PM EDT
On Fox Nation, Tucker Carlson and Charles Murray discuss race science and speculate a race war is possible Article 06/16/21 10:57 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson attacks federal recognition of Juneteenth, claims it will “supplant” Fourth of July Video & Audio 06/16/21 8:57 PM EDT
Fox’s flagship “straight news” show has a troubling record on the climate crisis Research/Study 06/16/21 12:01 PM EDT
MSNBC's All In discusses Fox News' “critical race theory” obsession Video & Audio 06/16/21 11:26 AM EDT
Fox has covered a school district changing its calendar over twice as much as revelations Trump's DOJ seized phone records of his opponents Research/Study 06/16/21 10:45 AM EDT
Companies celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month are also advertising on Fox Research/Study 06/16/21 9:56 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson hosts guest who attended a white supremacist conference to rewrite the events of January 6 Article 06/16/21 9:27 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson launches bizarre conspiracy theory that January 6 insurrection was a false flag organized by the FBI Video & Audio 06/15/21 8:39 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “A multiracial country can only survive if it self-consciously deemphasizes race” Video & Audio 06/15/21 8:20 PM EDT
Fox News Primetime guest calls on Joe Biden to hack Russia’s “communication system” to speak directly to Russians Video & Audio 06/15/21 7:42 PM EDT