South Dakota lawmaker has consulted with anti-LGBTQ groups on anti-trans health care bill Article 01/28/20 9:15 AM EST
Right-wing media shouldn't downplay recent anti-abortion threats by white supremacists Article 01/27/20 12:54 PM EST
Steve Mnuchin’s debunked attack on Greta Thunberg reveals CNBC climate denial and Mnuchin’s need to go back to school Article 01/23/20 5:29 PM EST
The January debate is the last opportunity before the Iowa caucuses for moderators to #AskAboutAbortion Article 01/13/20 4:36 PM EST
November was the second straight month that Sunday morning political shows did not air a single, substantive climate segment Article 12/11/19 10:27 AM EST
More than half of top US newspapers failed to cover Trump’s anti-LGBTQ foster care and adoption rule Article 11/11/19 5:05 PM EST
Fox “news” anchor Shannon Bream regularly amplifies anti-abortion lies on her prime-time show Article 11/08/19 5:07 PM EST
Right-wing media built the Texas government investigation into custody battle over trans child Article 10/25/19 6:52 PM EDT
Timeline: How Fox News’ abortion meltdown fueled a 2020 talking point Narrative/Timeline 10/22/19 2:09 PM EDT
CNN and the NY Times’ debate questions failed to touch on the reality of gun violence Article 10/16/19 1:02 PM EDT
The Heritage Foundation co-hosted a half day anti-LGBTQ event. Here are the worst comments from panelists. Article 10/15/19 5:13 PM EDT
Trump is set to speak again at extreme anti-LGBTQ group Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit Article 10/10/19 5:05 PM EDT
How evangelical and right-wing media spread a false story about health care for trans youth Narrative/Timeline 10/03/19 11:29 AM EDT
Jonathan Van Ness coming out as HIV-positive is crucial as anti-LGBTQ groups perpetuate stigma Article 10/01/19 5:49 PM EDT
Media Matters' Sharon Kann discusses Fox News' domination of abortion conversations on SiriusXM's The Thom Hartmann Program Article 09/26/19 11:35 AM EDT