Reuters did not note energy group criticizing Obama reportedly “funded by the oil industry” Article 01/09/09 5:27 PM EST
Dobbs again questioned human-caused global warming, suggested sun may be more responsible Article 01/06/09 4:36 PM EST
Media play meteorologists, baselessly forecast “clouds” for Obama because of Blagojevich scandal Article 12/14/08 7:24 PM EST
On The Radio Factor, Chicago Trib.'s Kass falsely claimed Rezko's wife “b[ought] the Obama dream house” Article 12/11/08 2:55 PM EST
Media's glowing reports on Bush's AIDS-relief program ignore criticism by the officials responsible for implementing it Article 12/03/08 7:24 PM EST
Cunningham compared Cincinnati Zoo to Bull Connor for pulling out of planned partnership with Creation Museum Article 12/03/08 1:23 PM EST
True to form, NBC aired clip of McCaffrey discussing “Afghan security forces” without disclosing ties to company training them Article 12/02/08 4:15 PM EST
In TV appearances and columns, Dick Morris repeatedly promotes group without disclosing apparent financial relationship Article 11/24/08 4:18 PM EST
Levin cited “global cooling” study to dismiss efforts to “control carbon dioxide” emissions, ignoring warning by study's co-author not to do so Article 11/20/08 5:02 PM EST