Limbaugh: Everything Obama has done has been “an attack on the greatness of this country” Video & Audio 12/07/10 2:30 PM EST
Rush claims that unemployment benefits harm those who receive them Video & Audio 12/07/10 2:27 PM EST
Limbaugh: Assange is “perfect” for DOJ prosecution because he's “so white he's almost transparent” Video & Audio 12/07/10 12:42 PM EST
Limbaugh still calling Clinton “Nurse Ratched,” wonders why WikiLeaks hasn't released Obama's birth certificate Video & Audio 12/06/10 2:57 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Nobody in their right mind would tell you that unemployment benefits ... is stimulative to the economy” Video & Audio 12/06/10 1:38 PM EST
Limbaugh: DREAM Act is “Reid thanking Hispanics for stealing the election for him” Video & Audio 12/03/10 2:52 PM EST
Limbaugh to African-Americans: “The Democrat party is the party of keeping you poor and keeping you downtrodden” Video & Audio 12/03/10 2:23 PM EST
Limbaugh “media tweak”: “If people cannot even feed and clothe themselves, should they be allowed to vote?” Video & Audio 12/03/10 1:55 PM EST
Beck on taxes: “These guys come out and rape your company, rape your wallet time and again” Video & Audio 12/03/10 10:35 AM EST
Hannity asks of Obama, “Isn't he Neville Chamberlain? 'Peace in our time'?” Video & Audio 12/02/10 11:14 PM EST
Hannity on 2022 World Cup: “yet another huge disappointment for the Obama administration on the world stage” Video & Audio 12/02/10 10:47 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Now, a lot of Democrat Congresswomen could have probably used the men's room and nobody would have said anything” Video & Audio 12/02/10 12:57 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama didn't lobby for US for 2022 World Cup because he is a “guaranteed loser ... talk to Chicago about that” Video & Audio 12/02/10 12:49 PM EST
Race-baiting confluence: On Breitbart site, Adams links Pigford to New Black Panthers. Article 12/02/10 12:44 PM EST