Morning Joe uncritically aired McCain's false claim that Palin is “governor of a state that 20 percent of our America's energy supply comes from” Article 09/15/08 10:28 AM EDT
NY Post editorial falsely claims Obama “once insisted that U.S. forces invade Pakistan” and “opposes sanctions” against Iran Article 09/09/08 8:39 AM EDT
CNN's Velshi falsely claimed “no oil shed into the Gulf of Mexico” because of Hurricane Katrina Article 08/31/08 5:13 PM EDT
Offering no evidence, NY Times' Brooks claimed Palin “pretty progressive on gay and lesbian issues,” “talks about global warming quite a lot” Article 08/30/08 5:49 PM EDT
MSNBC's Buchanan didn't hear any DNC speakers say “the word 'Guantánamo' ” -- but Kerry did, just as MSNBC cut to commercial Article 08/28/08 12:15 PM EDT
IBD reported that "[a]mid" acts of violence, Obama “phone[d] Odinga to voice his support” -- but not that he said he urged negotiation Article 08/25/08 2:52 PM EDT
Wash. Times uncritically repeated McCain campaign's statement that Obama “voted in lockstep with President George W. Bush nearly half the time” Article 08/15/08 5:35 PM EDT
Milwaukee radio host smeared “greedy, overpaid unionized schoolteacher[s]” who talk about global warming Article 08/13/08 6:59 PM EDT
Cameron on McCain speech: Georgian oil pipeline “very, very important” for U.S. energy independence Video & Audio 08/12/08 6:59 PM EDT
CNN's Beck didn't challenge former oil exec's assertion that ANWR drilling would “probably” produce oil in “two to three years” Article 08/12/08 1:56 PM EDT
Media report GOP attacks on Obama's energy comments without noting that EPA, McCain surrogates agree with Obama Article 08/05/08 7:48 PM EDT
NY Times Caucus blog reported McCain's attack on Obama's “big oil contributions,” but not that McCain received more Article 08/04/08 2:47 PM EDT