Limbaugh wants “reparations” from Native Americans for deaths from smoking Video & Audio 11/24/10 1:23 PM EST
Rush celebrates Thanksgiving by saying “a bunch of Native Americans scammed us” when selling us Manhattan Video & Audio 11/24/10 12:40 PM EST
Another dopey right-wing blogosphere conspiracy: Dems want to censor talk radio! Article 11/24/10 12:37 PM EST
Rush echoes Beck: “The '60s radicals are now in positions of power” and think average Americans are “pigs” Video & Audio 11/23/10 4:24 PM EST
Rush thinks net neutrality “limit[s] the amount of conservatism that you will be able to find on the Internet” Video & Audio 11/23/10 4:11 PM EST
Rush speculates that China will invade Taiwan while Obama is in office, says “missile” off CA coast was a “message” Video & Audio 11/23/10 2:40 PM EST
Why doesn't the Beltway press treat Limbaugh with same disdain the automotive press does? Article 11/23/10 2:34 PM EST
Rush suggests Obama should “take his daughter to the airport and have a TSA grope her” to show it's safe Video & Audio 11/23/10 2:09 PM EST
Rush: Past terrorists have been “young male Muslim Arabs,” and now “everybody has to be groped” Video & Audio 11/23/10 1:40 PM EST
Rush compares Obama to fake Taliban negotiator: “We have an imposter ... serving in the White House” Video & Audio 11/23/10 1:22 PM EST
Predictable: Right-wing media respond to Park51 grant application with Islamophobia Article 11/23/10 12:59 PM EST
Will right wing accuse pope of advocating “what Hitler did” on healthcare? Article 11/22/10 5:34 PM EST
Rush calls CSPI “food Nazis,” calls salad bars in schools “the police state” Video & Audio 11/22/10 3:27 PM EST
Rush: Joy Behar is “a liberal, of course she's a liar, show me the honest one” Video & Audio 11/22/10 2:46 PM EST
Limbaugh compares Ghailani trial to “show trials” in “Nazi days and Stalinist days” Video & Audio 11/22/10 2:42 PM EST
Limbaugh suggests Obama wants terrorists to “go free” and “indict the United States” in civilian trials Video & Audio 11/22/10 2:35 PM EST
Rush: Conservatives “believe in a hard work ethic,” liberals “embrace a welfare ethic” where kids receive free meals Video & Audio 11/22/10 12:51 PM EST