Wash. Times' Pruden falsely claimed that “the earth has been measurably cooling for the last decade” Article 06/18/08 12:43 PM EDT
Wash. Times' Pruden mocks “hysterics,” including those who warned of AIDS epidemic Article 06/17/08 5:24 PM EDT
Despite Cheney's reported correction on China drilling claim, Hannity asserted China is “drilling 60 miles off our shores” Article 06/17/08 3:00 PM EDT
Scarborough repeatedly accused Obama campaign of highlighting McCain's age, despite their denials Article 06/12/08 7:51 PM EDT
MSNBC shows great interest in purported Clinton “enemies list,” despite NY Times article's absence of on-the-record evidence Article 06/12/08 7:50 PM EDT
MSNBC hosted Breaux and Lott to defend oil and gas companies -- but failed to note they're lobbyists for them Article 06/10/08 1:27 PM EDT
MSNBC's Brewer uncritically aired Bush's misleading assertion that ANWR, continental shelf drilling would “give this country a chance to help” with gas prices Article 06/09/08 7:05 PM EDT
Media outlets noted McCain's efforts to woo Clinton supporters, but not prior distortions and personal attacks challenging his sincerity now Article 06/05/08 2:38 PM EDT
Chicago Tribune cited immigration reform as an example of McCain's “credentials as a maverick” but didn't note his flip-flop on the issue Article 06/04/08 7:44 PM EDT
Ignoring support for waste storage at Yucca, NY Sun said McCain's position on international nuclear waste storage “could win him votes in Nevada” Article 05/29/08 3:50 PM EDT
Beck revived falsehood that Bill Clinton said, “We've got to slow down our economy” to fight global warming Article 05/21/08 6:01 PM EDT
NPR's Williams, Fox's Morris asserted that McCain went against GOP on immigration without noting his reversals Article 05/20/08 4:45 PM EDT