NBC's Williams touts Bush administration “milestone” in listing polar bears as “threatened,” but doesn't note lawsuits forced its hand Article 05/16/08 2:54 PM EDT
Claiming McCain “tangled with conservatives before” on taxes and immigration, Shuster didn't note reversals Article 05/14/08 4:57 PM EDT
Fox News' Kelly left unchallenged Lieberman's assertion that McCain “accepted” Hagee's endorsement -- he actively sought it Article 05/14/08 3:52 PM EDT
Previewing McCain's environment speech, Reuters did not mention his voting record or include criticisms of his positions Article 05/12/08 3:10 PM EDT
Reporting McCain's “divergent views” from House Republicans, NY Times ignored his flip-flop on immigration, possible campaign spending illegalities Article 04/30/08 4:17 PM EDT
O'Reilly again misrepresented prior comments about terrorists attacking San Francisco Article 04/28/08 12:52 PM EDT
Purporting to ask “tough” questions, Matthews repeatedly failed to challenge McCain Article 04/17/08 7:53 PM EDT
MSNBC “apologize[d]” for false claim that McCain's proposed gas tax holiday would mean a “20-percent cut” in prices Article 04/16/08 7:01 PM EDT
On MSNBC, Brzezinski and Novotny falsely asserted McCain's gas tax plan would eliminate “20 percent of the cost” Article 04/15/08 1:33 PM EDT
Wash. Times asserted McCain “doesn't intend to make” Wright “a political issue,” but aides have reportedly distributed materials about Wright Article 04/14/08 5:40 PM EDT
Fox's E.D. Hill falsely claimed that “U.N. meteorologists” say “the planet may actually cool off for the 10th year in a row” Article 04/09/08 9:38 PM EDT