Limbaugh: Democrats “trash” religion, “ridicule it,” and “impugn people of faith” Video & Audio 11/09/10 1:44 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama “wants to preside over the decline of the U.S. economy” Video & Audio 11/09/10 1:36 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama “is the protectionist” -- he “complain[ed] about foreign money coming into the Chamber of Commerce” Video & Audio 11/09/10 1:15 PM EST
Limbaugh on Hoyer/Clyburn leadership “battle”: “Who's going to the back of the bus here -- again?” Video & Audio 11/09/10 1:12 PM EST
WSJ: Beck and Hannity get “paid ... to promote politically motivated groups” Article 11/09/10 12:14 PM EST
Limbaugh on Twinkie diet story: “You don't know what it's like to be right as often as I am” Video & Audio 11/08/10 3:24 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama “rejected” his “own country” for “most of his life” Video & Audio 11/08/10 2:54 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama “makes it clear he's being nagged by women whenever he gets out and makes public statements” Video & Audio 11/08/10 1:34 PM EST
Limbaugh: “If the Republicans have the guts ... they could redistrict the Democrat Party into permanent minority status” Video & Audio 11/08/10 1:31 PM EST
Limbaugh: “If you look on the Democrats' side, it is people of color who get shoved aside” and the “plantation owner ... ends up winning” Video & Audio 11/05/10 4:01 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Pre-existing condition coverage ... It's not insurance. It's welfare.” Video & Audio 11/05/10 2:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Gridlock is good “when you have an administration hellbent on destroying the nation's economy” Video & Audio 11/05/10 1:25 PM EDT