Rush attacks “Weight Studies” courses, which he claims are “natural progression from women's studies, lesbian studies, African-American studies” Video & Audio 11/05/10 1:13 PM EDT
At it again: Race-baiter Breitbart invents “racist comment” by Huffington Article 11/05/10 9:25 AM EDT
CNN's Cooper: Obama Asia trip cost “myth” being pushed by “powerful pundits” Video & Audio 11/04/10 10:36 PM EDT
Beck isn't sure about phony cost of Obama's Asia trip -- but promotes it anyway Article 11/04/10 9:45 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Compromise with Obama is “compromis[ing] on our freedom” Video & Audio 11/04/10 1:43 PM EDT
Limbaugh: GOP shouldn't compromise with Dems just as U.S. didn't compromise with defeated axis powers Video & Audio 11/04/10 1:16 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “The establishment Republicans will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives than to stop Obama.” Video & Audio 11/04/10 1:06 PM EDT
White House debunks “wildly inflated” $200M-per-day price tag for Obama's India trip Article 11/03/10 4:31 PM EDT
Rush sides with Palin against “stupid people” like Rove who didn't support O'Donnell Video & Audio 11/03/10 2:42 PM EDT
Saying “bye-bye Pelosi,” Rush plays “Ding, Dong the witch is dead” Video & Audio 11/03/10 1:05 PM EDT
Santorum: Republicans can “fight” better now because we “have Fox News” to “get a message out” Video & Audio 11/03/10 11:26 AM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed Democrats are “talking about eliminating 401(k)s” Article 11/02/10 6:18 PM EDT