O'Reilly said question of whether humans are causing global warming is “all guesswork” Article 03/04/08 8:16 PM EST
Blitzer did not challenge Matalin's assertion that global warming is “a largely unscientific hoax” and a “political concoction” Article 02/21/08 8:29 PM EST
Baltimore Sun, San Antonio Express-News endorsements wrongly suggest McCain still supports comprehensive immigration reform Article 02/13/08 11:14 AM EST
IBD editorial falsely claimed Clinton said that “we must slow the economy to save the earth” Article 02/02/08 3:59 PM EST
Tapper falsely suggested Bill Clinton proposed “slow[ing] down our economy” to fight climate change Article 01/31/08 5:24 PM EST
CNN's Bash and Snow omitted McCain “shift” on immigration when airing McCain quote that Romney “flip-flopped” Article 01/29/08 5:49 PM EST
Fox News' Hill: Sen. Kennedy “is” the “hate speech and the partisanship that you've seen in Washington” Article 01/28/08 5:23 PM EST
CNN's Borger on McCain's mother: "[N]ow we know where [he] gets all the straight talk from" Article 01/28/08 4:34 PM EST
CNN quoted CEI policy director on “green-collar jobs” without noting group's reported ties to energy industry Article 01/25/08 6:56 PM EST
Matthews suggested his Clinton comment was an aberration, but he's been making similar remarks for years Article 01/18/08 9:12 PM EST
Gibson on Matthews' “mind-blowing” comment: "[Y]ou listen to this and you tell me who the sexist is" Article 01/14/08 4:30 PM EST