Limbaugh: Democrats arranging for “the white guy” to win FL Senate seat Video & Audio 10/29/10 1:51 PM EDT
Fox GOTV day three: Fox continues its week of relentless campaigning for Republicans Article 10/29/10 1:27 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Democratic Party “knifes [black politicians] in the back” Video & Audio 10/29/10 1:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Democrats want “black guy” Meek out of race in favor of “tanned” Crist" to deny conservatives Hispanic senator Video & Audio 10/29/10 1:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama an “unvetted man-child, who seeks happily to preside over a nation in decline” Video & Audio 10/28/10 1:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “sees himself as Reverend Wright's chickens come home to roost” Video & Audio 10/28/10 1:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Bush memoir will “remind you of the days when we had presidents who loved the country” Video & Audio 10/28/10 12:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh compares activist to attempted Ford assassin Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme Video & Audio 10/28/10 12:53 PM EDT
Right-wing takes Nevada voting machine non-scandal to new levels of stupidity Article 10/28/10 8:33 AM EDT
Nicolle Wallace credits Hannity and Limbaugh with shaping GOP strategy Video & Audio 10/27/10 9:57 PM EDT
Limbaugh paints grim picture for America if Democrats hold Congress Video & Audio 10/27/10 2:33 PM EDT
Fox kicks off GOP GOTV efforts by almost exclusively hosting Republicans Article 10/27/10 1:51 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Half-baked” Stewart, Colbert “can't get over the fact that Glenn Beck drew over half a million people” Video & Audio 10/27/10 1:37 PM EDT
Limbaugh touts “Reverse Operation Chaos,” encourages Dems not to vote in midterms to boost Clinton's 2012 prospects Video & Audio 10/27/10 1:22 PM EDT
Hannity channels Limbaugh: “I don't want [Obama's] policies to succeed ... I want him to be a one term president” Video & Audio 10/26/10 10:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims Spanish radio appearance comments are admission Obama thinks “the American people are the enemy” Video & Audio 10/26/10 3:09 PM EDT