Fox host: “They took God out of our schools” and replaced it with “this neo-Marxist religion” of critical race theory Video & Audio 06/24/21 4:00 PM EDT
Inside the right-wing echo chamber's attempt to use Facebook to gin up outrage about critical race theory Research/Study 06/24/21 8:55 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham attacks U.S. military leadership for defending diversity Article 06/23/21 10:55 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson warns local school boards a “revolution” is coming if they continue teaching children about diversity Video & Audio 06/23/21 9:10 PM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin attacks the military and says if America were in a war he would be amazed if we won Video & Audio 06/23/21 8:43 PM EDT
Fox News' Gutfeld says the U.S. military has adopted a “racist theology” against white people Video & Audio 06/23/21 8:16 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson and guest claim a diverse military will lead to the rise of the next Hitler and the nuclear destruction of American cities Video & Audio 06/23/21 7:59 PM EDT
Fox News' Gutfeld attacks Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley for defending critical race theory Video & Audio 06/23/21 6:24 PM EDT
A GOP candidate attacked “critical race theory” on Tucker Carlson’s show. It got her a meeting with Trump. Article 06/23/21 5:00 PM EDT
A key figure behind the “critical race theory” scare campaign admitted he doesn’t care about actually understanding it Article 06/23/21 4:58 PM EDT
“From POTUS”: Trump wanted Justice Department to investigate a QAnon-linked election conspiracy theory Article 06/23/21 3:37 PM EDT
The feedback loop the conservative movement is using against “critical race theory” Article 06/23/21 9:23 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham says dead toddlers and suffering old women are “all part of the plan” for Democrats Video & Audio 06/22/21 10:50 PM EDT
Fox host Mark Levin says he’s calling CNN’s Don Lemon by his “street name,” “D-Lemon” Video & Audio 06/22/21 8:48 PM EDT
Fox News Primetime suggests China purposely leaked COVID-19 as part of its “master plan” Video & Audio 06/22/21 8:02 PM EDT
Fox News’ Mark Levin calls for the elimination of the Democratic Party Video & Audio 06/22/21 6:51 PM EDT
No Left Turn in Education, a leading anti-critical race theory group, frequently pushes toxic rhetoric in media Article 06/22/21 11:08 AM EDT