Rush sees similarity: Obama previously called Kanye West, who is “one of our national treasures,” a “jackass” Video & Audio 10/06/10 3:52 PM EDT
Limbaugh says that to him, “a Lexus is not really a luxury car,” but “for a lot of people” it is Video & Audio 10/06/10 3:30 PM EDT
Discussing discovery of new species, Rush asks, “How can they be new if we're destroying them” through climate change? Video & Audio 10/06/10 3:12 PM EDT
Rush says his “jackass” comment was “pretty tame compared to other things that I have said on this program” Video & Audio 10/06/10 2:05 PM EDT
Rush calls “jackass” remark a “brilliant move,” says because Obama “hates capitalism,” “it fits in a lot of people's minds” Video & Audio 10/06/10 1:35 PM EDT
Rush brags that he's “happy” his “jackass” comment got attention, calls Obama an “economic jackass ignoramus” Video & Audio 10/06/10 1:08 PM EDT
In rush to compare Obama to Carter, right-wing media disappear Bush's solar panels Article 10/06/10 10:08 AM EDT
Right-wing media see “sign[s]” in presidential seal falling off Obama's podium Article 10/06/10 9:52 AM EDT
At NJ tea party rally, Napolitano says government “uses mafia model -- your money or else” Video & Audio 10/05/10 10:38 PM EDT
Rush: Per definition, Pelosi would be a “jenny ass,” Reid would be a “jackass,” and Barney Frank may be a “jenny jackass” Video & Audio 10/05/10 6:25 PM EDT
Limbaugh addresses President Obama on economic policies: “You jackass” Video & Audio 10/05/10 4:10 PM EDT
Limbaugh's latest zombie lie: Stimulus “didn't create jobs -- not possible” Video & Audio 10/05/10 3:42 PM EDT
Limbaugh parrots Drudge, compares Obama to Carter for installing solar panels at the White House Video & Audio 10/05/10 3:37 PM EDT
Discussing effects of health care reform, Limbaugh name-checks Castro, Chavez, Lenin, and Mao Video & Audio 10/05/10 3:22 PM EDT
Rush ignores the facts: “When it comes to voting rights,” Obama DOJ isn't “concerned with the voting rights of whites” Video & Audio 10/05/10 2:54 PM EDT
Limbaugh continues to push absurd falsehood that Coons is a “bearded Marxist” Video & Audio 10/05/10 1:57 PM EDT