On KNUS, Wadhams and Andrews falsely described numerous Democratic positions Article 01/24/07 6:36 PM EST
KCOL's “Keith and Gail” distorted news reports, federal findings on global warming Article 01/19/07 9:07 PM EST
Coloradoan guest columnist cited questionable scientists to support right-wing talking points on global warming Article 01/19/07 12:20 PM EST
Krauthammer misrepresented Edwards' stem cell comments, Democratic stem cell bill Article 01/12/07 7:29 PM EST
Reporting that 2006 was warmest U.S. year on record, Fox 31 failed to note greenhouse gas connection Article 01/10/07 7:15 PM EST
On stem cells, CNN gives equal billing to conservative activist, scientific consensus Article 01/09/07 6:34 PM EST
Willard Scott suggested weather “in Denver and Colorado” casts doubt on global warming Article 01/02/07 3:30 PM EST
Media myths and falsehoods to look out for as Dems launch “100 Hours” plan Article 01/02/07 3:03 PM EST
Willard Scott suggested weather “in Denver and Colorado” casts doubt on global warming Article 01/02/07 2:04 PM EST
Post reported Beauprez “acknowledged missteps,” but article failed to note two of the most controversial Article 12/22/06 7:30 PM EST
Your World smackdown: Guest flatly refuted Asman claim that he is “all for” global warming Video & Audio 12/22/06 3:27 PM EST