Rocky and CBS4 uncritically repeated Beauprez campaign's claim that he overcame double-digit poll deficits to win congressional campaigns Article 09/15/06 7:29 PM EDT
NBC's Brian Williams claimed "[s]cientists can't say yet whether global warming is the culprit" for rapid Arctic ice melt, but author of study he cited disagrees Article 09/15/06 2:42 PM EDT
Fox anchors praised The Path to 9/11, disregarded reasons for all the “controversy” Article 09/14/06 12:36 PM EDT
MSNBC's Carlson on Fox's Your World guest list: “Our civilization -- is it collapsing? Has it already collapsed?” Article 08/31/06 4:03 PM EDT
On Good Morning America, Laura Bush dismissed Bush Katrina critics; Roberts did not challenge Article 08/29/06 7:18 PM EDT
Beck baselessly claimed Nagin did not order evacuation until “the day after President Bush called him and told him” to Article 08/29/06 3:40 PM EDT
USA Today, AP ignored Democratic critics in coverage of Bush's visit to Gulf Coast Article 08/29/06 3:03 PM EDT
On MSNBC's Tucker, Carlson falsely claimed "[t]here's no consensus" on “why” the “world is getting warmer” Article 08/08/06 3:29 PM EDT
Hannity: Despite both believing in global warming threat, “Al Gore is unhinged,” but Pat Robertson is “sane” Video & Audio 08/04/06 7:40 PM EDT
Gazette baselessly accused Pres. Clinton of “hypocrisy” on global warming initiative Article 08/04/06 2:09 PM EDT
Rocky finally reported on power-industry memo that echoed misleading Rosen column; Gazette still silent Article 08/03/06 7:23 PM EDT
Rocky , Gazette silent on power-industry memo containing nearly identical wording to Rosen's misleading column on global warming Article 08/01/06 7:21 PM EDT
Responding to weatherman's report about North American heat waves, Doocy declared “it's not global warming” Article 08/01/06 12:31 PM EDT
On Fox News' Beltway Boys, Barnes denied that humans are a cause of global warming Article 07/31/06 4:41 PM EDT
USA Today, Beck misleadingly claimed Bush is first president to fund embryonic stem cell research Article 07/25/06 8:26 PM EDT