Hannity calls Obama administration letter to insurance association Hugo Chavez tactics Video & Audio 09/15/10 10:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Caller “will be reported to Michelle Obama” because she'll be “considered to be part of the obesity problem” Video & Audio 09/15/10 3:27 PM EDT
Limbaugh downplays possible NY Jets locker room harassment, attacks NFL response Video & Audio 09/15/10 3:25 PM EDT
Limbaugh on NY Jets controversy: Compares “pansy sportswriters” and “what ... Gloria Steinem would say twenty years ago” Video & Audio 09/15/10 2:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh joins right wing media in turning on Rove over O'Donnell commentary Video & Audio 09/15/10 12:47 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Looks like a lot of voters in Delaware employed the Limbaugh rule” Video & Audio 09/15/10 12:36 PM EDT
Schultz on Limbaugh: “With your history of racism, I'd steer clear of the KKK analogies” Video & Audio 09/14/10 8:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh hypes claim that Rep. Castle voted “to investigate George W. Bush for impeachment” Video & Audio 09/14/10 3:25 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Bootylicious” NFL reporter “is making no attempt” to hide it “because she wants access for her job” Video & Audio 09/14/10 2:49 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Bipartisanship won't “fix what's wrong,” it “means compromising what we believe to go along with Democrats” Video & Audio 09/14/10 1:56 PM EDT
Rush rallying against liberalism: Why are we “willingly, knowingly going down the path of our own self-destruction?” Video & Audio 09/14/10 1:48 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “There's a soft tyranny in the country today,” “the Constitution is being shredded in front of our very eyes” Video & Audio 09/14/10 12:39 PM EDT
O'Reilly: “I'm not so sure [Beck's and Limbaugh's] scorched-earth strategy aimed at the President is good for the country” Article 09/14/10 8:52 AM EDT
David Limbaugh on Obama: “What kind of foreigner do we have in this office”? Article 09/13/10 5:05 PM EDT