CNN hire Glenn Beck renamed nukes “climate-control devices,” suggested bombing of Venezuela Video & Audio 04/12/06 11:13 AM EDT
Du Pont set up, knocked down, global warming straw man: "[I]t is not clear that human activity is wholly responsible" Article 03/28/06 2:33 PM EST
Time gave Sen. Talent free pass on pro-Bush, pro-oil energy stance; repeated Casey/Democratic convention myth Article 03/27/06 3:00 PM EST
White House, conservative surrogates continue their “blame the media” campaign Article 03/24/06 5:03 PM EST
Friedman lauded Lugar's “oil addiction” speech -- ignored Lugar's pro-oil past Article 03/23/06 11:33 AM EST
On Scarborough Country, WSJ's Moore falsely claimed U.S. has more oil than Saudi Arabia Article 03/16/06 2:13 PM EST
Falwell dismissed scientific evidence on global warming, evangelical efforts to address issue Article 03/14/06 12:38 PM EST
Coulter on the issue of AIDS: Hollywood “got caught with its pants down” and “got it right in the end” Video & Audio 03/09/06 12:59 PM EST
Sammon misrepresented poll data to assign “the lion's share of the blame” for Katrina response to “local and state officials” Article 03/06/06 5:55 PM EST
Reporting on Bush's renewable energy tour, Wash. Post soft-pedaled White House retreat from SOTU pledge Article 02/21/06 4:40 PM EST
700 Club anchor touted global warming skeptics' petition reportedly signed by non-scientists, fictitious characters Article 02/14/06 3:40 PM EST
O'Reilly condemned higher gas taxes to reduce consumption as “social engineering,” then called for higher vehicle taxes to reduce consumption Article 02/03/06 9:06 AM EST