Media touted questionable Wash. Post/ ABC poll to say public opinion of Bush's hurricane response is mixed Article 09/06/05 3:22 PM EDT
NY Times reprinted without contradiction Bush's false claim that nobody “anticipated the breach of the levees” Article 09/02/05 8:40 PM EDT
NY Times advanced Bush administration's dubious suggestion that FEMA is “better prepare[d]” to handle hurricane crisis than before 9-11 Article 09/01/05 4:14 PM EDT
Rush (mis)reads the news: Following pattern of distortion, Limbaugh contorts global warming article to falsely accuse NY Times of liberal bias Article 08/30/05 6:42 PM EDT
Limbaugh claimed Bush administration never said Iraq war would be quick or easy, ignored numerous statements by officials in lead-up to war Article 08/26/05 3:55 PM EDT
Gibson falsely claimed Scopes trial was argued “successfully” by the defense Article 08/24/05 4:59 PM EDT
Limbaugh called Rep. Meehan a “no-growth socialist,” blamed him for rising oil prices Video & Audio 08/17/05 3:45 PM EDT
Special Report hosted author of debunked radiation study to discuss Yucca Mountain Article 08/12/05 12:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh promoted false theory that EPA regulations banning Freon caused space shuttle Columbia disaster Article 08/09/05 7:07 PM EDT
Lowry to young conservatives: Given EPA-mandated “small-flush” toilets, "[h]ow is it possible to flush a Quran down the toilet?" Article 08/05/05 7:20 PM EDT
USA Today erroneously suggested that federal spending on Iraq war, tsunami relief have comparable impact on deficit Article 08/05/05 6:48 PM EDT
Focus on the Family misstated Dobson's “original comment” comparing embryonic stem cell research to Nazi experiments Article 08/05/05 6:28 PM EDT