Limbaugh: “Obama says he's a Christian but where's the evidence?” Video & Audio 08/19/10 12:53 PM EDT
Limbaugh trumpets polling that some Americans wrongly believe “Imam Obama is a Muslim” Video & Audio 08/19/10 12:42 PM EDT
VIDEO: DC Central Kitchen founder responds to Limbaugh's attack on non profit employees Article 08/18/10 6:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Being told to “grow a pair” by Beinart is “like a eunuch telling you that you don't have any onions” Video & Audio 08/18/10 3:12 PM EDT
Touting e-cigarettes, Limbaugh says you can get them “in menthol or what have you for the brothers” Video & Audio 08/18/10 1:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh says the left went nuts when he tried to buy the Rams, but Rauf is “getting a pass” Video & Audio 08/18/10 1:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims State Department “is funding [Rauf's] fundraising tour” for his mosque Video & Audio 08/18/10 1:45 PM EDT
Limbaugh suggests new name for NYC Islamic center: The “Hamasque” Video & Audio 08/18/10 12:49 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Imam Hussein Obama” is probably the “best anti-American president the country's ever had” Video & Audio 08/18/10 12:36 PM EDT
Dr. Laura announces she will end her radio show due to criticism of her N-word rant Article 08/17/10 10:41 PM EDT
UPDATED: Home Depot denies sponsoring Dr. Laura's program, but we have the audio Article 08/17/10 6:04 PM EDT
Limbaugh calls Islamic cultural center “a victory monument at Ground Zero” Video & Audio 08/17/10 2:10 PM EDT