Coulter falsely claimed “majority of Hispanics voted in favor of” California's Proposition 187 Article 08/05/05 1:33 PM EDT
Wash. Post overlooked apparent Bush administration contradiction on intelligent design Article 08/03/05 4:58 PM EDT
NY Times reporter ignored energy experts to repeat Bush line on oil imports Article 07/29/05 5:16 PM EDT
O'Reilly: Homeless heat wave victims could have found “some place to cool off” but were “mentally incapable of taking care of themselves” Video & Audio 07/29/05 3:55 PM EDT
WSJ editorial used 15-year-old graph to claim global warming science still uncertain, ignored most recent data Article 06/21/05 6:14 PM EDT
WSJ distorted Clean Air Act to argue against enforcing “new source review” provision Article 06/13/05 1:40 PM EDT
60 Minutes report allowed surgeon general to attribute high U.S. prescription drug prices to R&D costs Article 06/08/05 4:50 PM EDT
Echoing GOP scare tactics, Kristol, Novak, and Sullivan conflated embryonic stem-cell research with human cloning Article 06/01/05 5:25 PM EDT
Blankley distorted Democratic criticisms of initial U.S. tsunami aid efforts Article 05/11/05 6:48 PM EDT
ABC's Stossel falsely accused Media Matters of “smearing” him, continued to misrepresent facts on global warming Article 04/13/05 7:32 PM EDT
In conservative NH newspaper, ABC anchor Stossel returned to promoting Crichton's global warming skepticism Article 04/04/05 7:16 PM EDT