60 Minutes report allowed surgeon general to attribute high U.S. prescription drug prices to R&D costs Article 06/08/05 4:50 PM EDT
Echoing GOP scare tactics, Kristol, Novak, and Sullivan conflated embryonic stem-cell research with human cloning Article 06/01/05 5:25 PM EDT
Blankley distorted Democratic criticisms of initial U.S. tsunami aid efforts Article 05/11/05 6:48 PM EDT
ABC's Stossel falsely accused Media Matters of “smearing” him, continued to misrepresent facts on global warming Article 04/13/05 7:32 PM EDT
In conservative NH newspaper, ABC anchor Stossel returned to promoting Crichton's global warming skepticism Article 04/04/05 7:16 PM EDT
Hume ignored facts in attempt to discredit climate change report, scientist Article 03/31/05 8:27 PM EST
Media failed to identify conservative think tank that laundered DeLay travel money Article 03/18/05 1:27 PM EST
Limbaugh on ANWR: “The wildlife that lives there wishes it didn't, but it's too stupid to figure out how to move anywhere” Article 03/17/05 1:42 PM EST
Hannity, Interior secretary presented misleading claims on ANWR drilling as “fact” Article 03/10/05 3:35 PM EST
Fox's Liz Trotta wrong: More watched networks' election night coverage than Fox's Article 03/09/05 7:07 PM EST