Tucker Carlson launches dishonest and passionate defense of Capitol insurrectionists Video & Audio 04/06/21 8:30 PM EDT
Fox host tells Black Americans if voters in “Botswana, in Mauritius, in Zambia, in Kenya” can get ID's to vote, they can too Video & Audio 04/06/21 8:27 PM EDT
Amid growing scandal involving Matt Gaetz, Fox spends twice as much time on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Research/Study 04/06/21 3:56 PM EDT
Arizona television news largely overlooked negative impacts of the state’s 23 voter suppression bills Article 04/06/21 12:47 PM EDT
What the Republicans call a “working class” agenda is just a revamped Fox News culture war Article 04/06/21 11:41 AM EDT
Fox “straight news” program lets Charlie Kirk get away with lying about Georgia voting law Article 04/06/21 10:02 AM EDT
On Fox News, white nationalist Stephen Miller calls the southern border “the single greatest epidemiological disaster in this country” Video & Audio 04/05/21 10:18 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: The number of immigrants currently in America “devalue your political power” and “subvert democracy” Video & Audio 04/05/21 8:40 PM EDT
Fox's Bret Baier hosts white nationalist Stephen Miller for infrastructure analysis Video & Audio 04/05/21 7:38 PM EDT
A former top Trump official started a lie about Biden's infrastructure bill. Two Sunday shows ran with it. Article 04/05/21 5:21 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson guest says vaccine promotion could end with “burning and looting and climbing up the walls of the United States Congress” Video & Audio 04/05/21 5:06 PM EDT
A desperate OAN seeks viewers and money with more election lies from the MyPillow guy Article 04/05/21 4:16 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham hosts guest to push his theory America is on the verge of a split between red states and blue states Video & Audio 04/02/21 10:34 PM EDT
Fox host: “Is it time for American conservatives to cancel sports and maybe then they'd start to respect us?” Video & Audio 04/02/21 8:19 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson makes a compelling case against Biden's infrastructure plan for climate deniers and white supremacists Article 04/02/21 6:31 PM EDT
Fox News sabotages COVID-19 vaccination with Tucker Carlson’s mendacious interview of Alex Berenson Article 04/02/21 4:17 PM EDT
Fox News lies that Georgia's voter suppression law actually makes it easier to vote Article 04/02/21 3:31 PM EDT
Fox News routinely attacks pandemic health measures while implementing them for its own staff Article 04/02/21 10:01 AM EDT