Fox’s Greg Gutfeld claims sharing suicidal thoughts is “generally” an empty threat meant to manipulate loved ones Video & Audio 03/25/21 5:55 PM EDT
Right-wingers spread conspiracy theory: Biden’s press conference was scripted Article 03/25/21 3:28 PM EDT
No war but the culture war: Why right-wing media can’t stop finding things to be outraged over Article 03/25/21 10:33 AM EDT
How right-wing figures are twisting the history of the filibuster — and the current political reality Article 03/25/21 7:15 AM EDT
Fox's Newt Gingrich describes immigration as a “peaceful invasion” Video & Audio 03/24/21 10:48 PM EDT
Fox guest: “The Chinese are using the Mexican cartels as proxies to destabilize America by killing our youth” Video & Audio 03/24/21 1:22 PM EDT
Florida media coverage shows why DeSantis should not be the COVID-19 role model national outlets are making him out to be Article 03/24/21 12:10 PM EDT
Bret Baier reports Sidney Powell spread election lies “no reasonable person” would believe without mentioning that the lies were spread on Fox Article 03/24/21 9:31 AM EDT
MSNBC guest calls out Fox News’ racist lies about immigration as a “contemptible way of trying to get more ratings Video & Audio 03/23/21 7:47 PM EDT
Some states are confronting vaccine hesitancy. These local radio hosts aren't helping. Article 03/23/21 11:03 AM EDT
Fox's Sean Hannity and Dan Bongino use Colorado shooting to attack Black Lives Matter Video & Audio 03/22/21 10:26 PM EDT
Sean Hannity rushes through update on Colorado shooting to talk about Joe Biden stumbling on stairs Video & Audio 03/22/21 9:29 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson describes asylum seekers at the southern border as “a tragedy for those of us who live here” Video & Audio 03/22/21 8:38 PM EDT
Fox's Jeanine Pirro on immigration: “We are promoting a lower level of human being” Video & Audio 03/22/21 6:37 PM EDT
Fox anchors: Trump's intentional child separation policy was more humane than the current border situation Video & Audio 03/22/21 4:23 PM EDT