Limbaugh: “There are gonna be tax increases next year for everything,” “double-dip recession, guaranteed” Video & Audio 07/30/10 2:22 PM EDT
Limbaugh: We have an “authoritarian-type regime,” “dictating that cars be made that nobody wants” Video & Audio 07/30/10 1:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh: AZ Judge Is “Partisan,” Obama Has Empathy For America's Enemies Article 07/29/10 5:06 PM EDT
Levin: America is “not a representative republic anymore. It is a soft tyranny” Video & Audio 07/29/10 4:13 PM EDT
Savage: “Plague of humanity” liberals “love being the plantation master to the illegal aliens” Video & Audio 07/29/10 2:10 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims Phoenix “is the kidnapping capital of the world -- well, outside Mexico City” Video & Audio 07/29/10 1:13 PM EDT
Rush: Obama “reserves his empathy, sympathy, whatever, for terrorists and other enemies” of U.S. Video & Audio 07/29/10 1:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh opens show with attack on Obama “bringing some much-needed estrogen” to The View Video & Audio 07/29/10 12:27 PM EDT