Rush: “George W. Bush is still stimulating the economy that Obama is trying to ruin” Video & Audio 07/23/10 2:35 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Netroots Nation “going after” Democrats is like “Hezbollah going after Hamas” Video & Audio 07/23/10 1:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Literally insane” “acne-faced, zit-faced little people” at “nutroots convention” are “depressed” and profane Video & Audio 07/23/10 1:05 PM EDT
On Hannity, Sekulow calls planned mosque near ground zero “a monument to the terrorists” Video & Audio 07/22/10 10:22 PM EDT
Beck's latest conspiracy theory links “this Sherrod thing” to administration plot to “take over the media” Video & Audio 07/22/10 6:30 PM EDT
Right-wing conspiracy: Sherrod controversy “orchestrated” by the White House to “smear Breitbart” Article 07/22/10 4:24 PM EDT
Limbaugh says discrimination lawsuit against USDA “is just reparations under a different name” Video & Audio 07/22/10 3:23 PM EDT
Rush: “Not qualified” Sotomayor, Kagan discuss “life experience” because “they're women -- that means they're victims” Video & Audio 07/22/10 2:36 PM EDT
Rush: Obama “regime” is “tribalizing this country” into “different racial tribes” Video & Audio 07/22/10 2:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “For all I know, the White House orchestrated this whole [Sherrod] thing” Video & Audio 07/22/10 1:34 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Fox News and Shep Smith “caved” on Sherrod story by saying “Breitbart is wrong” Video & Audio 07/22/10 1:27 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Andrew Breitbart was exactly right,” Sherrod is “racist -- the NAACP is racist” Video & Audio 07/22/10 12:45 PM EDT