Limbaugh: The way Obama is dealing with BP is “far more than thugocracy,” it's “straight out of Communist Manifesto” Video & Audio 06/21/10 1:19 PM EDT
Limbaugh: I'm not “defend[ing] British Petroleum,” just “stand[ing] up for principles and the American way” Video & Audio 06/21/10 12:43 PM EDT
Will Krauthammer hand himself, Limbaugh and others “Politically Stupid” award for defending BP? Article 06/19/10 4:18 PM EDT
Food Research and Action Center: Rush is “at the opposite end of the human spectrum from Swift” with “dumpster dive” comments Article 06/18/10 6:20 PM EDT
Conservative media: BP was “persecuted” at “Stalinist,” “witch trial” hearing Article 06/18/10 5:04 PM EDT
Rush fill-in Urbanski: Dem in Congress want to “assault your money,” “health care,” “security,” “future” Video & Audio 06/18/10 3:09 PM EDT
Rush fill-in Urbanski: BP hearings are “theatre,” “horrible to watch” Video & Audio 06/18/10 2:39 PM EDT
Rush fill-in Urbanski: Obama's “plan is working for the destruction of America exactly on schedule” Video & Audio 06/18/10 2:38 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Urbanski's reaction to BP escrow fund: “I think we would actually be better off with Tony Soprano” Video & Audio 06/18/10 2:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Urbanski found Barton's apology to BP “completely appropriate” Video & Audio 06/18/10 1:50 PM EDT
Levin: BP hearings are a “Soviet-style spectacle” and are part of a “huge cover-up” Video & Audio 06/18/10 1:23 PM EDT
Beck and crew join war on the poor, attack woman concerned about disadvantage to her children because of poor internet access Video & Audio 06/18/10 1:22 PM EDT