Limbaugh calls Obama's speech on the economy “a fate worse than waterboarding” Video & Audio 06/02/10 12:56 PM EDT
Right-wing media attack Holder for launching investigation into oil spill Article 06/02/10 12:30 PM EDT
Hannity: Since announcement that “White House is now firmly in control” of spill, “things have only gotten worse” Video & Audio 06/01/10 9:51 PM EDT
Limbaugh Claims Democrats “Were A Little Jealous” 9-11 Happened On Bush's Watch Article 06/01/10 5:16 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims Democrats “were a little jealous” 9-11 happened on Bush's watch Video & Audio 06/01/10 3:15 PM EDT
Limbaugh dubs the Gores' separation “Gore-al cooling,” rehashes old smears of Gore Video & Audio 06/01/10 2:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh calls BP oil spill Obama's “Bay of Rigs,” says Obama's been inspired by Ayers, Wright Video & Audio 06/01/10 2:03 PM EDT
Limbaugh relies on distortion to claim Obama said the BP oil spill is “worse than Katrina” Video & Audio 06/01/10 1:19 PM EDT
Latest anonymously sourced Prowler piece attempts to link Biden to Sestak non-scandal Article 06/01/10 10:46 AM EDT
Limbaugh biographer: Limbaugh is the de facto head of the Republican Party Video & Audio 06/01/10 10:42 AM EDT
Conspiracy theorist Limbaugh: “I think it's tragic we have a president who could inspire” conspiracy theories on oil leak Video & Audio 05/28/10 3:33 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Amnesty is the single largest voter drive in the history of the United States” Video & Audio 05/28/10 2:39 PM EDT
Limbaugh calls Obama press conference on top kill method “a brazen bit of deceit” Video & Audio 05/28/10 1:38 PM EDT