Angelo Carusone talks to Dean Obeidallah about how Fox's “straight news” has spread lies about election results Video & Audio 11/16/20 6:48 PM EST
Lou Dobbs: “This is a war. This is a battle for the control of our government” Video & Audio 11/16/20 6:29 PM EST
As the country hits a crisis moment with COVID-19, Fox host declares: “We're not in a crisis moment” Video & Audio 11/16/20 5:42 PM EST
Fox “straight news” anchor says that debunked conspiracy theories of Trump campaign lawyer “sounded convincing” Video & Audio 11/16/20 4:50 PM EST
Fox anchor Maria Bartiromo keeps on promoting debunked, tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories about election results Article 11/16/20 2:17 PM EST
Fox's chief breaking news correspondent: Fox News primetime “stands for what is right” Video & Audio 11/16/20 10:57 AM EST
Right-wing pundits and GOP officials are citing a white supremacist and anti-Semitic outlet to claim that the election was “stolen” Article 11/16/20 10:37 AM EST
Laura Ingraham: Increasing immigration will lead to “a more dangerous America" Video & Audio 11/13/20 10:51 PM EST
Fox host: “Republicans will keep losing” if they don’t make it more difficult to vote Video & Audio 11/13/20 9:57 PM EST
Fox News' medical correspondent calls testing for coronavirus a “pseudo-religion” Video & Audio 11/13/20 9:12 PM EST
Local Georgia news station calls out Tucker Carlson for his lazy and false claims about dead voters Video & Audio 11/13/20 7:47 PM EST
Fox's John Roberts: Donald Trump does seem “to be winning, even as he is losing in the current vote count" Video & Audio 11/13/20 4:51 PM EST
After calling the presidential election, Fox cast doubt on the results and pushed conspiracy theories more than 250 times Research/Study 11/13/20 2:31 PM EST
YouTube has allowed conspiracy theories about interference with voting machines to go viral Article 11/13/20 12:04 PM EST
Trump-Fox feedback loop amplifies deranged conspiracy theory about Dominion and vote stealing Article 11/13/20 11:47 AM EST