Echoing Limbaugh, Goldberg says Arizona should send illegal immigrants to San Francisco Video & Audio 05/03/10 9:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh extends Beck conspiracy: Lehman Brothers was a “competitor that was gotten out of the way” for Goldman Sachs Video & Audio 05/03/10 4:54 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims his “think piece” conspiracy theory on oil rig explosion was taken “out of context” Video & Audio 05/03/10 4:38 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “The left cannot win anything via policy, the left's ideas are not representative of a majority of thought in this country” Video & Audio 05/03/10 2:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Hurricane Katrina illustrated exactly what happens when you have a community totally run by leftists” Video & Audio 05/03/10 2:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Bill Ayers ought to be the left-wing co-head of the commission” to study Times Square bomb Video & Audio 05/03/10 2:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “I'm not trying to minimize [the oil spill] here,” but “sea water is pretty tough stuff ... oil has a tough time surviving.” Video & Audio 05/03/10 2:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Some” people are saying that “the sea will take care of” the oil spill Video & Audio 05/03/10 1:05 PM EDT
“Sabotage!” Right-wing media respond to oil spill by dreaming up conspiracy theories Article 05/03/10 1:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama response to oil spill: “A crisis is the playground of a tyrant” Video & Audio 05/03/10 12:40 PM EDT
The AP can't find any actual critics of government's oil spill response Article 05/03/10 11:20 AM EDT
Obama hits cable “pundits” who “make their arguments as outrageous and incendiary as possible” Article 05/01/10 3:47 PM EDT
Hannity, oil cleanup expert, tells us “there's a lot we could have done to contain this” Video & Audio 04/30/10 9:43 PM EDT
Hannity falsely claims Obama administration “sat back for 9 days and they did absolutely nothing” about oil spill Video & Audio 04/30/10 9:41 PM EDT