Limbaugh repeats Morris' retracted claim that Reno threatened “to spill the beans” on Waco Video & Audio 04/21/10 3:30 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “The Haiti relief effort is nothing more than an excuse for the United Nations to pay itself” Video & Audio 04/21/10 2:54 PM EDT
Right-wing media criticize financial reform with regurgitated myth that affordable housing caused financial crisis Article 04/21/10 2:49 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “buying a General Motors or Chrysler car is a campaign donation in kind, at least” to Obama Video & Audio 04/21/10 2:46 PM EDT
Rush accuses Obama of “lying” about his agenda and that he will pick “hardest left judge that he can get confirmed” Video & Audio 04/21/10 2:30 PM EDT
Rush says Obama “doesn't like this country much” and “really has it in for some Americans” Video & Audio 04/21/10 2:17 PM EDT
Rush acknowledges SEC chair Schapiro was originally nominated by Reagan but claims she's a Democrat Video & Audio 04/21/10 2:03 PM EDT
Rush says “Obama's crowd joins the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam War” Video & Audio 04/21/10 1:59 PM EDT
Rush suggests that questioning Obama's competence means risking being accused of “engaging in sedition” Video & Audio 04/21/10 1:57 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “What's Obama doing to our capitalist system? Is he not totally dismantling it? ... All without firing a shot” Video & Audio 04/21/10 1:31 PM EDT
Rush reads from NY Post column saying Wall St. contributions to Obama “bought the rope he's using for their hanging” Video & Audio 04/21/10 1:28 PM EDT
Limbaugh cites cause of his Goldman conspiracy theory: "[T]here are already so many former Goldman people" in government Video & Audio 04/21/10 12:56 PM EDT
Will the right-wing media retract Morris' false accusations about President Clinton, Janet Reno, and Waco? Article 04/21/10 12:10 PM EDT
On O'Reilly Factor, WSJ's Taranto claims Democrats use racism as a political tool Video & Audio 04/20/10 8:53 PM EDT