Rush Promotes Conspiracy Theories About Timing of Lawsuit Against Goldman Sachs Article 04/20/10 4:52 PM EDT
Rush says financial reform is “health care bill redux,” gives Obama “total unchecked oversight over American businesses” Video & Audio 04/20/10 4:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh says financial reform regulation would have prevented adoption of “new innovations like debit cards and PayPal” Video & Audio 04/20/10 3:30 PM EDT
Rush says Goldman case “shaky on purpose” and “not meant to win anything in court but to win in Congress” Video & Audio 04/20/10 3:24 PM EDT
Limbaugh attacks “scientific community” as “idiots” while pushing book that disputes consensus on global warming Video & Audio 04/20/10 2:53 PM EDT
Rush discusses Gaffney's theory that Iran could “launch a little nuke” from a boat and “t[ake] out our electric grid” Video & Audio 04/20/10 2:20 PM EDT
Rush suggests Boxer may lose election because of her “incompetence” and “idiocy” Video & Audio 04/20/10 1:45 PM EDT
Limbaugh revives claim that “the government single-handedly caused the subprime mortgage problem” Video & Audio 04/20/10 1:30 PM EDT
Rush says “it's a great question” whether Obama will return contributions from Goldman Sachs Video & Audio 04/20/10 1:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “regime” is “marching full-fledged, full-speed ahead into every nook and cranny of our lives” Video & Audio 04/20/10 12:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh “cannot disagree” with email claiming that Obama plans to repeal 22nd amendment setting president's term limit Video & Audio 04/20/10 12:39 PM EDT
Hannity says Bachmann is victim of “a coordinated effort to intimidate, silence, and demonize” administration critics Video & Audio 04/19/10 10:14 PM EDT
Hume says Clinton insincere about McVeigh comments -- “Here we go again” Video & Audio 04/19/10 9:03 PM EDT
Mary Katharine Ham: Clinton “part of a process where they're trying to freeze speech” Video & Audio 04/19/10 8:55 PM EDT