AEI scholar rebuts “bizarre” charges “of radicalism, socialism, retreat and surrender” Article 04/14/10 9:23 AM EDT
Marcus notes right wing “vilif[ied] Tom Coburn for a moment of civility” Article 04/14/10 6:33 AM EDT
O'Reilly's whopper: “Nobody” on Fox said failing to buy health insurance could result in jail time Article 04/13/10 11:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh: People Are Hurting in Haiti -- “Would It Be Fair to Say ... Obama Just Doesn't Care About Black People?” Article 04/13/10 4:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh: People are hurting in Haiti -- “Would it be fair to say ... Obama just doesn't care about black people?” Video & Audio 04/13/10 1:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims health law passed because of “bribes, backroom deals,” and “pretending the Constitution didn't exist” Video & Audio 04/13/10 1:17 PM EDT
Limbaugh says that “Reagan's name's being taken in vain” over nuclear weapons summit Video & Audio 04/13/10 1:14 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Mattera “would have gotten a Pulitzer” if Rep. Frank were a Republican Video & Audio 04/13/10 1:03 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims Obama is “happily and purposefully” “presiding over the decline” of the U.S. Video & Audio 04/13/10 12:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh revives false claim that Rep. Frank ran a “prostitution ring out of his apartment” Video & Audio 04/13/10 12:42 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Convenient” That “Putin Does Not Like The Poles” And The Plane Crash Killed Many Polish Leaders Article 04/12/10 3:57 PM EDT
Limbaugh observes: “You ever notice when you put the word 'the' and IRS together, it spells 'theirs'?” Video & Audio 04/12/10 2:46 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Obama is succeeding, and by virtue of that, the country is imperiled” Video & Audio 04/12/10 2:45 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama is “in the process of creating and building a permanent underclass” by extending unemployment benefits Video & Audio 04/12/10 2:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh finds it “convenient” that “Putin does not like the Poles” and that plane crash killed many Polish leaders Video & Audio 04/12/10 1:02 PM EDT