Limbaugh: “Do you think that we will ever see a headline that says: 'NAACP largely older, blacker, and male'?” Video & Audio 04/05/10 2:39 PM EDT
Limbaugh: People are “surprised that John Lewis would sell out the civil rights movement” for health care reform Video & Audio 04/05/10 2:37 PM EDT
Rush says there was no “permanent underclass” before “LBJ's Great Society” Video & Audio 04/05/10 2:12 PM EDT
Limbaugh on “repeal and replace” effort against health care reform: “Just repeal it. Just repeal it” Video & Audio 04/05/10 2:00 PM EDT
Rush: “Tiger Woods has put more women in orbit” than NASA; “I just hope they don't need to breast feed up there” Video & Audio 04/05/10 1:11 PM EDT
Rush: “It is a regime. They're governing against the will of the people ... the constitution be damned” Video & Audio 04/05/10 12:51 PM EDT
Rush declares jobs report “a sham” by pushing myth that “most of the job growth is Census” Video & Audio 04/05/10 12:34 PM EDT
Right-wing delusion: Net neutrality is government plot to control Internet content Article 04/05/10 11:49 AM EDT
Olbermann criticizes Erickson for “shotgun” remark and CNN for hiring him Video & Audio 04/05/10 11:03 AM EDT
Right-wing media complain that Pelosi incited tea partiers with her “big gavel” Article 04/02/10 9:12 PM EDT
Media Matters: Fox News, a Beck revival, and the fringe “Woodstock” that wasn't Article 04/02/10 6:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Pelosi tried to “provoke” tea party by “carrying that big gavel” with “excrement-eating grin on her face” Video & Audio 04/02/10 5:10 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Dems tried to “provoke an incident” by having CBC walk through tea partiers and Pelosi carry a big gavel Video & Audio 04/02/10 5:06 PM EDT