Rush Fill-in Davis: Because Of Obama, “This Will Not Be The America You Grew Up In” Article 03/26/10 3:27 PM EDT
Davis on McCain: It's “the weirdest thing in the world how a guy who's tortured can be so wrong on torture” Video & Audio 03/26/10 3:11 PM EDT
Davis predicts U.S. in twenty years “will not be the America that you grew up in... unless we are vigilant” Video & Audio 03/26/10 3:00 PM EDT
Davis tells caller with sick daughter who is “considered uninsurable” that “no one is uninsurable” Video & Audio 03/26/10 2:19 PM EDT
Davis attacks “panic cult nonsense” of climate change, says that “our air and water is much cleaner than it used to be” Video & Audio 03/26/10 1:41 PM EDT
Rush fill-in Davis: Health reform “impaled” consumer choice “on the sword of these people's socialist agenda” Video & Audio 03/26/10 12:39 PM EDT
Why is Limbaugh using deceptive editing to cover up his Obama-Hitler comparisons? Article 03/25/10 5:32 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Dems Are Trying To “Criminalize Dissent” With “Totally Contrived” Threats Article 03/25/10 3:51 PM EDT
Limbaugh's “solution” for U.S.-Israeli relations: “Change the name of [Israel] to Iran” Video & Audio 03/25/10 3:42 PM EDT
No surprise that Harris poll finds Republicans believe GOP smears of Obama Article 03/25/10 3:02 PM EDT
Rush repeats “born alive” Obama smear, falsehood that health care bill funds abortions Video & Audio 03/25/10 1:47 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Beating the Democrats is “the only hope the country has” Video & Audio 03/25/10 1:35 PM EDT
Rush calls health care reform a “death threat against the country” and “our economy” Video & Audio 03/25/10 1:04 PM EDT
Rush again distorts Dingell's comment: Dingell “confessed” health reform seeks to “control us” Video & Audio 03/25/10 1:01 PM EDT
Limbaugh accuses Dems of using “totally contrived” threats against them to “criminalize dissent” Video & Audio 03/25/10 12:59 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Dingell's “control” comment: He “really mean[s]” what he said, like “when you're drunk, the truth somehow comes out” Video & Audio 03/24/10 3:56 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “no evidence” Frank, Lewis, Cleaver faced homophobic or racist attacks they are “whin[ing]” about Video & Audio 03/24/10 3:18 PM EDT