Fox News can’t decide whether the FBI should’ve gotten another subpoena for Mar-a-Lago or just ignored the whole thing Article 08/26/22 5:01 PM EDT
Right-wing media claim Trump can declassify documents with a “magic wand” Article 08/24/22 5:14 PM EDT
Fox Contributor: Trump was too busy with the January 6 insurrection to properly declassify documents Video & Audio 08/12/22 4:10 PM EDT
Fox News legal analyst shows complete double standard on Trump and political violence Article 07/28/22 5:07 PM EDT
Fox News runs defense for Trump following revelation of Justice Department investigation Research/Study 07/28/22 9:17 AM EDT
Right-wing media have been dismissing, downplaying, and attacking the January 6 hearings Research/Study 07/27/22 12:38 PM EDT
Conservative media echo allegedly defamatory claims about Indiana doctor in 10-year-old's rape case Article 07/22/22 11:12 AM EDT
These media figures discredited a report on a 10-year-old girl needing an abortion. There was just an arrest in the case. Research/Study 07/13/22 5:06 PM EDT
Fox News airs claim that Texas is facing an “invasion” 20 times in 3 days Article 07/08/22 5:38 PM EDT
How right-wing media reacted to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade Narrative/Timeline 06/24/22 6:42 PM EDT
After another day of groundbreaking January 6 committee testimony, Fox just wants to moan about the process Article 06/13/22 7:03 PM EDT
Fox invokes the killing of a Wisconsin judge in its latest attempt to smear progressive protesters as violent Article 06/07/22 5:21 PM EDT
Biden pledged to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court. Right-wing media are rushing to dismiss the idea Article 01/28/22 3:40 PM EST
Right-wing commentators spread hate — and hypocrisy — on Biden’s upcoming Supreme Court pick Article 01/27/22 2:03 PM EST
Fox News and key right-wing allies grasp for response to Oath Keepers sedition indictment Article 01/16/22 9:20 AM EST