NBC just dangerously normalized the misogynistic, “alt-right”-associated society “Proud Boys” Article 11/06/17 10:48 AM EST
Rush Limbaugh: Health insurance program for low-income children “ought to die” Video & Audio 11/03/17 2:20 PM EDT
Lessons from coverage of the Trump administration's attempt to block an undocumented teen's abortion Article 10/31/17 2:53 PM EDT
It’s time to pay attention to Myanmar’s ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people Article 10/18/17 9:52 AM EDT
Trump's repeal of the Clean Power Plan will cost lives, but TV news outlets are covering it as a political football Research/Study 10/12/17 3:38 PM EDT
Mother of asthmatic children explains that repealing Clean Power Plan is terrible for kids' health Video & Audio 10/10/17 5:14 PM EDT
Alliance Defending Freedom and its allies support turning LGBTQ people straight through harmful reparative therapy Research/Study 10/10/17 10:24 AM EDT
The right has a new 20-week abortion ban, and it's still built on junk science and right-wing lies. Research/Study 10/02/17 1:26 PM EDT
Fox guest: “Liberal elites” on college campuses are turning our children into “politically correct thugs” Video & Audio 09/29/17 1:07 PM EDT
Economist Jeffrey Sachs slams Trump's “unbelievable” and “shambolic” tax agenda Video & Audio 09/28/17 10:15 AM EDT
ADF and friends: Hate group Alliance Defending Freedom is at the center of an anti-LGBTQ industry Research/Study 09/28/17 9:03 AM EDT
Local TV coverage of Graham-Cassidy largely overlooked some of its scariest flaws Article 09/26/17 1:15 PM EDT
How GOP leaders are using TV to misinform the public about the potential health care repeal Article 09/22/17 4:13 PM EDT
Fox & Friends dismisses HHS Secretary Tom Price's repeated use of private jets because he “needs to be protected” Video & Audio 09/22/17 7:27 AM EDT
Alex Jones tells Jimmy Kimmel to stop “pimping your kid out there to push Obamacare” Video & Audio 09/21/17 3:21 PM EDT
“Free Democrat ad”: Right-wing media assail Jimmy Kimmel for criticizing Bill Cassidy’s lies about Obamacare repeal Article 09/20/17 3:40 PM EDT
Anti-abortion violence and harassment was already bad. Right-wing media are making it worse. Research/Study 09/20/17 2:14 PM EDT