Beck's promotion of King's anti-health care reform protest latest example of Fox News activism Article 03/18/10 3:49 PM EDT
Rush accuses Obama of “not doing anything to stop terrorist attacks” Video & Audio 03/18/10 3:21 PM EDT
“Burn the Mexican flag!”: A look back at the hateful anti-immigration rhetoric from 2006 Article 03/18/10 3:15 PM EDT
Limbaugh calls Pelosi “one of the most hateful and foolish people to ever serve as speaker” Video & Audio 03/18/10 2:23 PM EDT
Rush accuses Obama of “lying through his teeth” in Fox News interview Video & Audio 03/18/10 12:56 PM EDT
Politifact cites Media Matters in calling out Limbaugh for “Pants on Fire” fishing ban claim Article 03/18/10 6:35 AM EDT
Limbaugh Encourages People to Break The Law on “Lawless” Health Care Reform Article 03/17/10 4:56 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Sharpton's job is to tell all the black people out there to shut up ... Obama's trying to make it all work for them” Video & Audio 03/17/10 3:13 PM EDT
Rush on health care passage: “We're three days away from the United States of America being over as we've all known it” Video & Audio 03/17/10 2:51 PM EDT
Rush likens House rule to “banana republic” and again promotes noncompliance for “something that is unconstitutional” Video & Audio 03/17/10 2:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh says health care reform will “destroy the private insurance business, just wipes it out” Video & Audio 03/17/10 2:22 PM EDT
Rush directs audience to Code Red website for numbers of local congressional offices Video & Audio 03/17/10 1:43 PM EDT
Rush says use of House deem and pass rule “makes Watergate look like Romper Room” Video & Audio 03/17/10 1:13 PM EDT
Rush advances myth that House rule is illegal, promotes noncompliance with “lawless” health care reform Video & Audio 03/17/10 12:58 PM EDT
Conservative media campaign to thwart Census from gathering race data needed to enforce laws Article 03/17/10 12:52 PM EDT
Rush: Obama called Kucinich an “effing r-word” to get him to vote for health care Video & Audio 03/17/10 12:44 PM EDT