Limbaugh's “irony”: Health care reform “hinges on” deciding by Easter whether U.S. “will pay for the killing of babies ” Video & Audio 03/04/10 3:31 PM EST
Rush: “Obamacare” born on Christmas Eve, resurrected on Easter; “gonna be a problem with” Obama's “Muslim friends” Video & Audio 03/04/10 3:08 PM EST
Limbaugh on Obama: “We've not seen this radical a psychological profile in our nation's history” Video & Audio 03/04/10 2:59 PM EST
Limbaugh defends RNC fundraising document: “It's natural to be afraid of Obama. He is a Joker” Video & Audio 03/04/10 2:02 PM EST
Limbaugh again compares Obama to Tiger Woods: “Obama uses doctors like Tiger Woods uses pancake house waitresses” Video & Audio 03/04/10 1:01 PM EST
Limbaugh tries “satire” to attack health care reform: “Any doctor who votes for Obama might be in line for a lobotomy” Video & Audio 03/04/10 12:58 PM EST
Varney: “It was a disgrace that Senator Bunning stood there on his own asking for fiscal reality” Video & Audio 03/04/10 11:18 AM EST
Right-wing baselessly accuses Obama of “selling judgeships” for health care vote Article 03/04/10 10:47 AM EST
Limbaugh Previews His Response To Obama's Health Care Speech: “It's Hiroshima Time” Article 03/03/10 7:08 PM EST
Limbaugh previews his response to Obama's health care speech: “It's Hiroshima time, folks. It's Nagasaki” Video & Audio 03/03/10 3:41 PM EST
Rush's color commentary on Obama's health care address: “It's like being in the Nuremberg trials” Video & Audio 03/03/10 3:12 PM EST
Limbaugh says Obama's message is: “Shut up, debate over. Bend over.” Video & Audio 03/03/10 2:50 PM EST
Limbaugh: “We have just been delivered the biggest pile of manure yet with this health care speech” Video & Audio 03/03/10 2:31 PM EST
Discussing inbreeding polar bears, Limbaugh attacks FDR, the Clintons, and “liberals [who] always want to” castrate guys Video & Audio 03/03/10 1:33 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Shut the hell up and stop lecturing us about our lives” Video & Audio 03/03/10 12:53 PM EST
Rush: “The Jim Bunning approach should be used across the board now. ... [S]hut the damn place down” Video & Audio 03/03/10 12:52 PM EST
Limbaugh calls potential Rangel successor Rep. Fortney Stark “the most genuinely insane Democrat” in the House Video & Audio 03/03/10 12:37 PM EST