It's a trap! Conservative media warn of bipartisan health care summit “setup” Article 02/23/10 4:49 PM EST
Limbaugh says “Obama is a cargo cult” -- He's “essentially a primitive, indigenous guy” Video & Audio 02/23/10 3:31 PM EST
Limbaugh says GOP run by “country club, blue-blood, Rockefeller liberal types” Video & Audio 02/23/10 2:42 PM EST
Limbaugh says Diane Sawyer “practically having an orgasm” over Scott Brown's vote on jobs bill Video & Audio 02/23/10 2:02 PM EST
Rush attacks National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as “corrupt” Video & Audio 02/23/10 1:06 PM EST
Wash. Post's Thiessen joins others in conservative media in labeling health care summit “a trap” for GOP Article 02/23/10 8:23 AM EST
O'Reilly responds to Limbaugh's criticism: I have “criticized Obama for his socialist tenets” Video & Audio 02/22/10 8:23 PM EST
Limbaugh Declares Health Care Reform “A Civil Rights Bill” And “Reparations” Article 02/22/10 7:11 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama using “the black dialect” in speech to National Governors Association Video & Audio 02/22/10 3:00 PM EST
Limbaugh's analysis of Obama's health care reform plan: Dems “are giving birth to every movie monster you have ever seen” Video & Audio 02/22/10 1:53 PM EST
Limbaugh criticizes health care reform as “a civil rights bill” and “reparations” Video & Audio 02/22/10 1:21 PM EST