Beck continues to suggest violence is part of WH strategy: “They may be purchasing baseball bats right now” Video & Audio 02/16/10 10:38 AM EST
Rush mocks school free lunch program: “It never occurs to the parents to go to the grocery store?” Video & Audio 02/15/10 4:55 PM EST
Limbaugh: There's no war going on now ... except the war against Obama" Video & Audio 02/15/10 3:13 PM EST
Limbaugh responds to WaPo's King: “I don't speak for the Republican Party” Video & Audio 02/15/10 2:41 PM EST
Rush: “We're here to defeat” Obama because his “health care proposals are not intended to help the people” Video & Audio 02/15/10 1:54 PM EST
Right-wing media use Clinton's heart procedure to stoke fears about health care reform Article 02/12/10 9:22 PM EST
Limbaugh: The “crap and tax bill” is “a scam being run by Obama to tax businesses even more for breathing” Video & Audio 02/12/10 4:43 PM EST
Rush -- Rush! -- says Obama has an “arrogance and a superiority complex like I have never seen” Video & Audio 02/12/10 3:49 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Nobody's trying” to “amend the Constitution” to forbid gay marriage Video & Audio 02/12/10 2:55 PM EST
Limbaugh is “thankful we don't yet have Obamacare” or “the death panel” might not have approved Clinton's surgery Video & Audio 02/12/10 2:54 PM EST
Limbaugh: Global warming advocates have “done more damage than even Bill Ayers wanted to” Video & Audio 02/12/10 1:56 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Global warming hoax” is “political, criminal corruption” Video & Audio 02/12/10 1:25 PM EST
Attacking Bill Nye, Beck falsely claims “nobody's saying” that snow in DC disproves climate change Video & Audio 02/12/10 10:52 AM EST