Rush orders Republicans: “This is no time for bipartisanship” on health care reform Video & Audio 02/08/10 1:01 PM EST
Limbaugh says to advance reform, Obama should “come on this show and debate health care reform with me” Video & Audio 02/08/10 12:58 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama is “a spoiled brat complaining to Congress for not getting his little bill passed” Video & Audio 02/08/10 12:53 PM EST
FL-based Limbaugh on federal gov't in DC closing: “these people will take any excuse for a day off” Video & Audio 02/08/10 12:46 PM EST
Hannity accuses the President of “fixing” the “fraudulent, phony” unemployment rate Video & Audio 02/08/10 10:36 AM EST
Palin now excuses Limbaugh's use of “retard”: “He was satirical in that” Video & Audio 02/07/10 9:32 AM EST
Media Matters: The politically motivated selective-victimhood of Sarah Palin Article 02/05/10 6:47 PM EST
Wallace denies calling Gallagher “retarded” though he “probably fit[s] the definition” Video & Audio 02/05/10 2:37 PM EST
Rush thinks Greece's membership in EU is like “Chi-Coms” purchasing U.S. Treasury bonds Video & Audio 02/05/10 2:09 PM EST
Limbaugh calls seasonally adjusted unemployment rate a “loophole” for Obama to manipulate data like China does Video & Audio 02/05/10 1:50 PM EST