Limbaugh Still Pushing Debunked Claims About CRU Emails To Label Climate Change A “Hoax” Article 02/01/10 5:53 PM EST
Limbaugh invokes rape to describe Obama's attitude toward business Video & Audio 02/01/10 1:23 PM EST
Limgaugh attacks proposed cuts to NASA budget since global warming is “a hoax” Video & Audio 02/01/10 1:05 PM EST
Right-wing media revive “bow-gate” with photograph of Obama greeting Tampa mayor Article 02/01/10 10:49 AM EST
Ailes says people want Obama to succeed, despite “what some people say is the radical change he wanted” Video & Audio 01/31/10 11:20 AM EST
Limbaugh disputes the existence of a “right to be stylish”: “Where do we get these rights from?” Video & Audio 01/30/10 10:46 PM EST
Limbaugh asks Miss America contestants: “Ours is a world governed by the aggressive use of force. Do you accept that?” Video & Audio 01/30/10 8:59 PM EST
“Bolshevik plot”: Right-wing media declare Obama a radical who threatens America Article 01/30/10 2:57 PM EST
Conservative media link bin Laden's remarks about climate change to progressives, Democrats Article 01/29/10 5:50 PM EST
Limbaugh: Bin Laden Comments “Right Off The Democrat Party Talking Points” Article 01/29/10 4:42 PM EST
Limbaugh attacks NASA scientist James Hansen as an “insane lunatic” Video & Audio 01/29/10 2:44 PM EST
Limbaugh asserts that Zicam swabs were banned because Obama is “seeking to do damage to all my clients” Video & Audio 01/29/10 2:39 PM EST
Limbaugh says bin Laden should win Nobel Peace Prize and might write Dems' climate change talking points Video & Audio 01/29/10 1:09 PM EST
Limbaugh: “In Detroit, even if some terrorists blew some things up, depending on where they did it, you wouldn't know” Video & Audio 01/29/10 12:55 PM EST
Limbaugh accuses Commerce Department of “manipulat[ing]” GDP numbers Video & Audio 01/29/10 12:46 PM EST