Limbaugh lies in defense of his comments about Jewish people on Wall Street Article 01/22/10 4:19 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama admin. is “destroying the middle class,” “destroyed black families,” and “kept people in poverty” Video & Audio 01/22/10 3:50 PM EST
ADL blasts Limbaugh's comments about Jewish people on Wall Street as “offensive” and a “new low” Article 01/21/10 5:45 PM EST
Limbaugh credits himself with stopping health care, being the “one voice” that spoke out against Obama's agenda Video & Audio 01/21/10 2:47 PM EST
Limbaugh calls Obama an idiot for having high expectations on Middle East peace process Video & Audio 01/21/10 2:28 PM EST
Limbaugh calls Obama a “spoiled-rotten little man-child,” suggests he is “delusional” Video & Audio 01/21/10 1:57 PM EST
Limbaugh claims “leftists” want “every CEO in jail and every soldier in jail” Video & Audio 01/21/10 1:02 PM EST
Limbaugh: Scott Brown needs to give McCain tips on “how to be a maverick”; again decries media “chickifcation” Video & Audio 01/21/10 1:00 PM EST
Limbaugh Wonders If Jewish People Have “Buyer's Remorse” Because Obama Is “Assaulting Bankers” Article 01/20/10 5:03 PM EST
Limbaugh: Health care reform would kill the “system that sustained and elongated” Sen. Ted Kennedy's life Video & Audio 01/20/10 4:54 PM EST
Rush: Many “people on Wall Street are Jewish. So I wonder if there's starting to be some buyer's remorse” about Obama Video & Audio 01/20/10 2:45 PM EST
Limbaugh says Brown's comments are “a Limbaugh echo”: “do not be ashamed to be conservative” Video & Audio 01/20/10 2:42 PM EST