Goldfarb retracts key detail of his dubious report on supposed White House base threat Video & Audio 12/16/09 7:25 PM EST
Beck brings rumor White House threatening Nelson to Fox, invokes “treason” Video & Audio 12/16/09 5:15 PM EST
Rewriting history, Limbaugh described both Bush presidencies as “eight years of prosperity” Article 12/16/09 4:29 PM EST
Saying liberalism “cannot exist in sunlight” serial misinformer Limbaugh hits Dems for being “dishonest” on health care Video & Audio 12/16/09 3:56 PM EST
Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh run with dubious rumor that White House is threatening Nelson with Air Force base Article 12/16/09 3:41 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama is conducting an “all out assault on private sector” Video & Audio 12/16/09 1:37 PM EST
Limbaugh calls people supporting health care reform “mentally disturbed,” says “people are going to die” under bill Video & Audio 12/16/09 1:19 PM EST
Fox Nation, Limbaugh's website falsely claimed “Obama rips 'triumphant' attitude of U.S. military” Article 12/15/09 6:56 PM EST
Quick Fact: Limbaugh repeats falsehood that the benefits to health care reform “will not start for four years” Article 12/15/09 4:14 PM EST
Rush: Media, White House “will be pushing the notion of a third party that takes votes away from the Republican Party” Video & Audio 12/15/09 3:21 PM EST
Rush advocates “shutting down the government” to stop health care reform Video & Audio 12/15/09 2:26 PM EST
Limbaugh repeats falsehood that the benefits to health care reform “will not start for four years” Video & Audio 12/15/09 2:00 PM EST
After calling Sen. Collins “stupid” and “ignorant” Limbaugh says “people are going to be dying” from health care bill Video & Audio 12/15/09 1:38 PM EST