Despite supposed Fox policy, contributor Sarah Huckabee Sanders preps future political run with GOP events Article 02/03/20 1:21 PM EST
Fox News analyst: “I frankly don't think there's really very much evidence that Trump is much of a racist” Video & Audio 02/03/20 12:15 PM EST
Fabricated and wildly inaccurate: Peter Schweizer's new book gets bankruptcy law totally wrong in attack on Elizabeth Warren Article 02/03/20 11:59 AM EST
Fox & Friends host defends Trump's tweet erroneously congratulating Kansas for the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl victory Video & Audio 02/03/20 10:10 AM EST
Pressed by Fox anchor Maria Bartiromo, Lindsey Graham asks chair of the Foreign Relations Committee to investigate Hunter Biden Video & Audio 02/02/20 12:05 PM EST
Fox anchor Bill Hemmer: Is the legacy of the impeachment trial that the House Democrats presented a “half-baked case?” Video & Audio 01/31/20 4:24 PM EST
Angelo Carusone: “Fox Corp. is holding the Super Bowl hostage to extort Roku and its subscribers to subsidize Fox News’ propaganda” Article 01/31/20 4:15 PM EST
How a CNBC headline describing Elizabeth Warren’s plan to fight disinformation snowballed into a right-wing smear Article 01/31/20 4:02 PM EST
Fox Corporation is bullying Roku and using the Super Bowl as a bargaining chip Article 01/31/20 3:25 PM EST
In his new podcast, Rudy Giuliani's “evidence” is just the same old debunked trash Article 01/31/20 12:36 PM EST
“Straight news” anchor, Ed Henry spreads disinformation and GOP talking points Article 01/31/20 11:39 AM EST
Sean Hannity is conducting Trump’s Super Bowl interview because Fox’s primary purpose is propaganda Article 01/31/20 7:44 AM EST
Laura Ingraham: “The American people can end the Democrats' reign of terror” Video & Audio 01/30/20 10:35 PM EST
Tucker Carlson calls it “totally insane” to question the lack of diversity on Trump’s Coronavirus task force Video & Audio 01/30/20 8:35 PM EST
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee highlights Media Matters' research exposing conservatives' bogus claims on Facebook censorship Video & Audio 01/30/20 3:03 PM EST
Hannity breaks his trend of mostly ignoring the impeachment trial to air over 4 and a half minutes of Alan Dershowitz Article 01/30/20 2:09 PM EST